Tax Details - 12 Washington Ave, City of Batavia, 14020 - 84.010-3-5.1

DISCLAIMER: Tax data provided here is for information only – it does not represent an official tax bill. You should base any tax payments on written or in-person communications with your town, city, school, and/or village. For more information, please view our disclaimer.

Property Description

Street Address 12 Washington Ave
SBL # 84.010-3-5.1
Municipality City of Batavia
Roll Section 1
Current Assessed Value $260,000
Current Equalization Rate 100.00%
School Districts Batavia City School
Select Calendar Year

Tax Detail

DISCLAMER: Details below might not display changes in Current Assessed Value
Description Assessed Value Taxable Value or Units Tax Rate Tax Amount Tax Category
CITY OF BATAVIA $198,000.00 $120,000.00 8.96 $1,075.76 City
COUNTY OF GENESEE $198,000.00 $133,000.00 5.80 $771.98 City
NYS MEDICAID MANDATE $198,000.00 $133,000.00 2.50 $333.52 City
Genesee County Water $198,000.00 $58.00 0.60 $34.80 City
Total $2,216.06